Our Curriculum

    Our Curriculum

    Curriculum Statement

    School Ethos

    At Fairfield First School we provide a happy and secure environment in which everyone is valued and encouraged to ‘Aim High, Work Hard, Have Fun and Care for Others. We develop relationships and responsibilities within our school, the local community and the wider world to enable all children to play a positive role in society.

    School Aims

    • Create a happy, secure, stimulating and supportive learning environment
    • Provide a challenging, broad and balanced curriculum that meets the interests and needs of all children
    • Work as a team and develop strengths within it
    • Encourage a friendly, caring attitude which values understanding and respect for each other, the      school and the wider community
    • Foster and promote self-discipline, self-motivation and independence
    • Take a holistic approach to the development of our children
    • Value the role of families and the contribution of our local community
    • Develop and love of, and thirst for learning for our present and future lives


    The aim of staff and governors at Fairfield First School is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations and a ‘can do’ mind-set. We want our children to know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society, developing with an ever changing world. We believe the personal development of the whole child, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education that gives all children, no matter their starting point, background or individual needs, opportunities to explore, develop and succeed, making them well-rounded individuals, with good life skills enabling them to be responsible and resilient citizens. This is embedded throughout all aspects of school life through the use of our aims, values and school rules.  

    We want our ambitious curriculum to inspire, interest and motivate pupils, being one of the many reasons our children love coming to school! Our shared vision is to create a stimulating learning environment for the children in partnership with Parents/ Carers/ families and the wider community.

    The school offers a broad, balanced and differentiated thematic curriculum covering all areas of the National Curriculum where we do our utmost to maximise success for all children by giving them the best teaching and learning experiences. It has been carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression through well planned and sequenced topics, where we offer a varied, multi-opportunistic learning experience which comprises of all subjects and is taught in a creative way. Cross curricular is extremely important to our mission and at the core of our delivery, enabling our pupils to understand how skills can be transferred from one curriculum area to another and their role within the real world, providing many opportunities for learning outside of the classroom. We work hard to develop long term memory, revisiting learning focuses to embed key skills and provide a long lasting impact on all of our pupils. Topics are planned and sequenced, ensuring breadth and depth and opportunities for child-led, flexible learning experiences. The curriculum design ensures that the needs of individual and small groups of children can be met within the environment of high quality teaching, supported by targeted interventions, where appropriate. In this way it can be seen to impact in a very positive way on pupil outcomes.

    Our school prides itself on focusing on well-being and our effective Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of the child is integral to our planned programmes of work. Our aim is to prepare our children for life in modern Britain, enabling them to become active and responsible citizens in society, understanding British values and respect. We encourage the children to become involved - to look after their environment, to help other people and to be responsible for their own actions, able to make good choices and take calculated risks. In recognising the development of the whole child the pastoral support given to children so they can access the curriculum is very strong. Various programmes of support are provided for children where a need has been identified such as self-esteem, anger management and bereavement.  These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy & safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. Topics include: Democracy, British Values, It’s Good to be Me, Relationships and Having Goals, allowing children the chance to share opinions and ideas and be able to debate these in a fair way.

    We are strongly committed to providing varied, engaging, experiential and cross-curricular Learning Outside the Classroom opportunities for our children at Fairfield. This is delivered through a range of experiences which include weekly LOtC sessions for each class from EYFS through to Year 4, visits to other places, outreach sessions delivered in school, after school clubs and the opportunity to participate in both on site and off site residentials. Opportunities for outdoor learning are embedded within curriculum planning across all subjects with EYFS enjoying unrestricted access to their own outdoor area as an extension to their classroom. This fosters a love of learning at the start of a child’s journey through school and encourages children to initiate their own discoveries and satisfy their own curiosities in the outdoor classroom and beyond. In addition to enhancing curriculum based classroom learning, all children are exposed to a range of environments and are given opportunities to develop their own personal and key characteristics. This includes mastering and improving fine and gross motor skills, as well as increasing social and emotional awareness, interpersonal skills and an awareness of the importance of mindfulness and wellbeing, particularly embracing the physical and mental benefits of a natural setting. The children gain knowledge of the world around them and develop specific skills across areas of learning which are covered by our LOtC in house award criteria in addition to National Curriculum links which largely encompasses a wide range of Scientific and Geographical knowledge and skills and this clearly illustrates clear progression for each child throughout each key stage beginning with EYFS.  The LOtC areas covered are: Assessing Risk, Team Building and Problem Solving, Bushcraft/Survival, Creative, Journeying, Biodiversity, Water, Food, Seasons, Community and Basic Business Enterprise. Further LOtC enrichment opportunities are offered throughout the year with each key stage having an age related, themed event as well as whole school initiatives. Evidence can be seen through children’s books, the school Twitter feed and the weekly newsletter for parents.

    An extensive range of extra-curricular activities is provided both during and after school. As well as sports, activities involving music, choirs, languages, science and art are provided by members of the school team, while external experts are engaged to run other clubs as diverse as dance and even African drumming! High quality visits and visitors enhance the curriculum and are seen as an important and valuable part of school life. They widen the children’s horizons and motivate the children to learn. Year 4 also have the opportunity to go on an adventure residential visit.

    We encourage our children to take part in fun activity days such as World Book Day, Sports Relief and Christmas Jumper Day, plus many other special themed days where the children can dress up, create projects and models and experience a totally different school day. Each year, we run a number of Themed Days/Weeks to enrich and enhance the curriculum and to ensure that it is broad and balanced. These provide exciting learning experiences for the children to develop enterprise skills and become more independent in their learning. We also encourage our children to support charity events and we have a very active PTFA who hold events throughout the year.

    Delivery of the Curriculum

    The creation of a happy, work-orientated school atmosphere also plays an important part in ensuring high quality teaching and learning.  The school expects the highest standards of behaviour from all its pupils, with consideration and courtesy being shown to others, and with staff members acting as good role models.  All members of the school community, both adults and children, are regarded as individuals who are important in their own right.

    Fairfield First School engages all learning styles, using a variety of teaching styles and resources. Enhancement opportunities, which support teaching of the curriculum. Independent research and professional development of our staff allows the school to continually review and develop teaching and learning styles. Our assessment procedures allow staff to identify any misconceptions or concerns about a child’s learning, so as they can adapt planning to support specific needs.


    Our pupils are taught through a variety of styles. To ensure that all children achieve their full potential, arrangements are made for children with Special Educational Needs across the whole range of abilities to be supported, both in the classroom and in withdrawal groups (including external support at times).  We endeavour to treat children as individuals and, according to their particular needs and abilities, there may be the need for specific support plans.

    Our SEND Information policy and practice is reviewed annually. It is a document that has published information for parents and families about what it can offer pupils with Special Educational Needs and is available on the school website.

    My year at Fairfield -

    Our Curriculum at a glance!


    For more information on our Creative Curriculum, please contact the school office.

    Contact Us

    Fairfield First School, Stourbridge Road, Fairfield, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 9L

    01527 873081
