Our Curriculum

    Learning Outside the Classroom

    Subject lead: Mrs Dunlop

    We are strongly committed to providing varied, engaging, experiential and cross-curricular Learning Outside the Classroom opportunities for our children at Fairfield. 

    Outdoor Learning at Fairfield is integral to the curriculum and is delivered through a range of experiences which include weekly LOtC sessions for each class from EYFS through to year 4, visits to local places, outreach sessions delivered in school, after-school clubs and the opportunity to participate in both on-site and off-site residentials, including the Year 3 Camp Out and Year 4 off-site residential.

    Opportunities for outdoor learning are embedded within curriculum planning across all subjects with Early Years enjoying unrestricted access to their own outdoor area as an extension to their classroom.

    We are fortunate to be located within a beautiful rural village with a diverse range of habitats which can be easily accessed for the children to explore. We monitor the wildlife on our school grounds through our wildlife cameras...

    On site we have a well established Forest School area which includes an outdoor classroom, two fire pits, adventurous play equipment and a mud kitchen. Our Sensory Garden incorporates a pond which children are able to access as part of planned activities and our hedged garden is home to raised beds allowing the children to grow a range of seasonal produce. 

    As well as developing practical skills, enhancing and developing classroom learning, we recognise and value the personal and social benefits of outdoor learning in developing self-esteem, confidence and character, communication, social and emotional awareness, problem-solving, thinking skills, environmental awareness and health and well-being to name but a few.

    We currently have links with the Woodland Trust Volunteers at Pepperwood and our local Housing Trust BDHT.


    • Waterproof coat and trousers
    • Wellington boots
    • Hat and gloves
    • Old clothes that you don't mind getting dirty
    • Long sleeves and long trousers

    LOtC themes across the school for Autumn Term 

    Team Building/problem-solving

    Risk Assessment- LOtC Rules, Boundaries, Fire, Tools

    Animals and Living things 


    Journeying, Environmental Awareness, Countryside Code and Developing Geographical Skills

    Community-Scarecrow Festival and Remembrance Activity 

    Business Enterprise-Christmas Craft using natural materials

    Seasons - Identifying Seasonal Changes within the school grounds and the local area (Autumn and Winter) including hibernation.

    The KS2 Autumn Cookout

    Mindfulness and Wellbeing

    LOtC themes across the school for Spring Term

    Plants and Animals.


    Species Identification - Fauna and Flora

    Seasonal Changes

    Easter Activities - Natural Crafts and EYFS/KS1 Easter Extravaganza

    Rocks, Soils and Fossils

    Mindfulness and Wellbeing

    Year 4 Off Site Residential

    RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch

    Grow Your Own Potato Project

    The Big Spring Clean 

    LOTC themes across the school for Summer Term

    Survival and Bushcraft

    Fire Lighting

    Campfire Cooking and Nutrition

    Shelter and Den Building



    Basic First Aid

    Water - Water filtration, Water Cycle, Water Safety

    Year 3 RSPB Big Wild Sleep out 

    Save the Children - Dad's Den Day 

    Wildlife Trust - 30 Days Wild

    Mindfulness and Wellbeing


    Contact Us

    Fairfield First School, Stourbridge Road, Fairfield, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 9L

    01527 873081
