Our Curriculum

    Health and Wellbeing

    At Fairfield First we recognise that positive wellbeing and good mental health is vital for our students’ happiness and achievement.  Our mission as a school is to work together with families to ensure wellbeing is at the forefront both at home and at school.


    The aim of this area of this page is to provide links to good quality information and guidance on mental health and wellbeing. We encourage children and parents with any concerns to get in touch with us.

    Information Source Website Links

    Young Minds - a fantastic organisation offering free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person.




    The NSPCC’s Parents’ site recognises a big part of keeping children safe is making sure to look after their emotional and mental well-being. The site offers information on an array of topics including mental health and wellbeing; self-harm; sexual behaviour; and talking about difficult topics. 



    The NHS live well site has lots of information all in one place ranging from eating well to giving up smoking.

    Also have a look at the NHS Wellmind app which is free in the app store. This enables you to track your mood and emotions, provides advice and help for stress, depression and anxiety and there is even 3 audio clips to help you relax and unwind.



    Why not try Yoga at home!

    Cosmic Kids is a YouTube channel devoted to Yoga, relaxation and mindfulness.  


    CAMHS: NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Herefordshire and
    Worcestershire offer






    Wellbeing Champions

    We have Wellbeing Champions from Year 3 and Year 4 who have attended a training session with children from local schools.  They are there to ensure that all children have someone to talk to about wellbeing and that the profile of wellbeing remains high at school. The Wellbeing Champions have run a wellbeing stall at the summer fair, organised playground relaxation sessions and are always there for the children if they need them. Our motto is ‘Wellbeing First at Fairfield’.

    Mental Health First Aider: Mrs Clare Thurston 

    Wellbeing Mentor: Mrs Alex Rodgers

    Wellbeing Award

     We have achieved a National Wellbeing Award.

    The award has a focus on changing the long-term culture of a school, and embedding an ethos where mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all.

    With this award, schools can:

    * Show their commitment to promoting mental health as part of school life

    * Improve the emotional wellbeing of their staff and pupils

    * Ensure mental health problems are identified early and appropriate support provided

    * Offer provision and interventions that matches the needs of its pupils and staff

    * Engage the whole-school community in the importance of mental health awareness

    * Capture the views of parents, pupils and teachers on mental health issues


    Contact Us

    Fairfield First School, Stourbridge Road, Fairfield, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 9L

    01527 873081
